Kundalini Reiki initiation will provide you with an opportunity to have unlimited access to divine energy throught your life and to use this energy for any purpose material or spiritual one. You won’t have any areas of your life left where you wouldn’t be able to create harmony.
Learn why you won’t be powerless in front of difficult situations in life or why your life will be filled with whole lot more happy moments or why you will have more strength and harmony and all of that without waiting for spiritual enlightment or $1000 000 on your bank account.
Just imagine what it would be like if you had an instrument that
- Creates a balance in everything you asked for in any current events or things you want in your future or in obtaining peace with your past.
- Brings you to senses when your are fixated on something negative.
- Makes everything you do easier.
- Helps to heal any disease even chronic health conditions.
- Helps you to experience things that you’ve only read about or vaguely suspected.
Furthermore …
- You can’t lose nor leave this istrument at home because it’s always in your hands. Literally.
- You don’t have to spend a lot of time on studying it and can start using it right away.
- You can’t break it.
- It’s easy to turn it on no matter your condition.
- You don’t have to believe in this instrument to work.
- It can not harm you or anybody else.

This instrument is based on you natural abillity such as vision or hearing but forgotten for some reason.
It all seems a bit too extraordinary but it does exist
This Energy that is accessible for you any time or place is
Kundalini Reiki

The energy of Kundalini Reiki was channelled thru Dutch meditation master Ole Gabrielsen by Ascended Master Kut Humi (Kuthumi) and is designed to softly awaken your inner Kundalini energy.
Kundalini is invigorating energy that revives and awakens body and mind. This is exactly what empowers us to self-development. Everything changes when Kundalini awakens. Vision, hearing, sense of smell, taste, touch, intuition and empathy — all of your senses increase. You start to feel yourself more Alive and tapping in to your Inner Force. You become more flamboyant, attractive and sexual. Your creativity and talents wake up. You start truly enjoying your life.
You feel that this inner force is not an add-on but sомething natural to you that you finally released.
When you call Kundalini Reiki this healing energy from Infinite Divine Source unites with your inner Kundalini energy and finds areas in your body or life that requires healing or balancing and makes necessary changes in most harmonious manner. When you pour water on dry, cracked land it fills all of the cracks by itself. You don’t have to go and fill them all up. Same with the energy. It finds the right place and fills it up as much as it needs. So that your healing process is always in harmony no matter how big or small your problem is.
Having this access to Divine energy you become aware of your true Divine nature and your ability to create, meaning that there is nothing in this world that you can not change.
How to get access to Kundalini Reiki?

To open access to this energy you should receive initiation of Kundalini Reiki.
Initiation is energetic and informational process of connecting your energy system to the energy source and attunement that allows fast ans easy interaction with it. It’s almost like computer’s driver set up.
Full attunement of Kundalini Reiki is done in three steps (or three levels) with each of them fixes configuration in specific area of your energetic system.
These initiations are conducted by experienced practitioners of energy called Masters. However, in current modality of Kundalini Reiki there are more than 350 add-ons that widen your working channel of Kundalini Reiki significantly. These add-on configurations are received individually at your own pace and place.
The process of attunement takes 20-40 minutes and can be delivered face-to-face or remotely meaning that you can literally be at any place in the world and still the process will be as effective as with you sitting in front of us.
The attunement to Kundalini Reiki channel is absolutely safe as we always ask your Higher Self and Master Kuthumi whether it’s appropriate to conduct initiation AT THE MOMENT and whether WE ARE THE ONES who should be doing it. This is healer’s ethics that allows both parties to maintain good condition.

What do you get at each level of initiation?
Level 1
Initiation to the Level 1 tune your body to the energy of Kundalini Reiki. Energy clears the Main energetic channel (Sushumna) starting from the Root Chakra, Muladhara through the Crown Chakra, Sahasrara. The Heart Chakra Anahata opens up and arms channels release.

The energy of Kundalini Reiki feels very soft and calm at this point yet.
You will learn the following from the received Level 1 manual
- to heal your body and soul;
- to transform and manage your emotional reactions such as envy, jealousy fear, rage;
- to harmonize relations with others including completion of karmic agreements;
- to find the best possible solutions for any type of life issues;
- safely heal in direct contact sessions as well as remote ones;
- clean and charge space and objects such as apartment, water, food, favorite jewelry etc.;
- to materialize your wishes;
- to empower and make any other practice more delightful and easier for instance Yoga, Chi Kung, cardio and sex.
Level 2
it is recommended to receive Level 2 initiation after at least 5 days from the Level 1 of Kundalini Reiki. This period is not to master your practice but rather for your body to assimilate the attunement. In case your body needs more time we will let you know. At Level 2 your inner Kundalini energy awakens and moves to the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura, your Third Eye Chakra, Ajna opens up.

Now during your sessions you will use your inner Kundalini energy together with Kundalini Reiki with the following effect
- your ability for self healing and meterializing will increase significally;
- your sexual attraction will increase;
- energy sensation will become more flamboyant and hot.
Sometimes Kundalini awakening may lead to intensification of the current life issues. This happens for you to heal it and to free space for the new energy and harmony. Please relate to this as a sign of things changing for better. At this level you will receive new 30-seconds balancing technique to cope with the stress and tiredness.
Level 3 (The Master Level)
Level 3 of Kundalini Reiki is recommended to receive not earlier than 10 days after Level 2 initiation. This initiation empowers all previous attunements and facilitates Kundalini energy to move all the way up through the main energy channel.

At this Level you are able to transform Kundalini Reiki energy to heal the following target blocks.
- Healing of cellular memory related to all physical and emotional trauma
- Healing of birth trauma. The very first mostly negative sensation that follows you from that moment on
- Healing of the past lives experience
- Healing of DNA realted issues
- Healing of karmic connections with spesific locations and the planet as a whole.
From the manual you will learn how to initiate people or objects such as your favorite jewelry for it to act as channels of this energy as well as about the follow-on initiations. However, please keep in mind that the real artistry comes from practice. .
The follow-on self initiations
After completely attuning your whole energy system to Kundalini Reiki you wouldn’t need a Master to coordinate initiation processes for you.
Now there are a lot of transformations going on with our planet that means its Kundalini is changing too as well as our personal energy and Kundalini Reiki flow subsequently as it facilitates our energy.
Self initiations assist you in staying in harmony with our planet as well as increase amount of energy that you could conduct through yourself.
We don’t specify the number of initiations that you can receive on purpose. The reason why is explained below.
You will get the following additionally:

1) Support of the Ascended Master Kuthumi
Please keep in mind that when you are using Kundalini Reiki you are just a mere conductor of this energy, whereas he is a healer. That means you can always discuss with this Master whether it is appropriate to use Kundalini Reiki for a specific purpose, or can you use it to help a specific person. You can ask him any questions.
It doesn’t mean that you will start hearing his voice, you may start percieving or feeling or seeing the answers — there is always a way to communicate that will fit you. Don’t worry, Ascended Masters are multidimensional and all-receiving and that means you won’t be able to «bother God with trifle things» nor hurt or offend. Moreover, you will start to notice that sometimes the energy will activate on its own as the sign that the Universe is taking care of you.
2) Our support
In spite of the fact that the best advisers are the Master Kuthumi and your own intuition you can always contact out Customer Support service with any questions on the practic. We or our assistants will gladly help. All questions and answers will be published and some of them may become a hot topic for a video lesson. This way we will be able to assist more people.

3) A Certificate of Kundalini Reiki Master (only for Level 3)
In case you would like to receive a certificate confirming taken course we will gladly send it to you via post. Please see below an example of the certificate. Е

4) Orgasmic Reiki! (only for the Master Level)
Orgasmic Reiki is an add-on to Kundalini Reiki. It was channeled for the first time in 2008 by Maria Filippova directly from the Master Kuthumi. This energy is in free access for any Master of Kundalini Reiki though not many are aware of it. Orgasmic Reiki is for uniting of your conciousness with your Higher Self. There are no words to fully describe how tender it is.
You can also use this energy for healing though it is very pleasing as it is. Trust me on it. Besides it is an instrument to work in most delicate situations such as work with pregnant women or acute cases of phycological disabilities, jinxes or with entities.
This is an exclusive just for you.
6) 30% OFF for Grandmaster of all Reiki Energies Level ONLY for the Master Level practitioners.
If let’s say in couple months after practicing Kundalini Reiki you want to expand further we can gladly offer you to get the Maximum Level of Reiki that you can’t receive anywhere in the world. It is the quintessence of our skills and knowledge gathered for the past 20 years.
You will learn to initiate yourself for any known energy flow or even discover new types of Reiki.
Learn to conduct ideal sessions — robust, deep, safe, comfortable and effective.
Open new ability in extrasensory diagnostics and learn to see, perceive and know about everything that is going on at the session or client’s life regardless of the distance.
You will learn to handle any negative energy, connections, jinxes, curses or entities as a real bio-energy healer. .
You will learn the energetic secrets of speaking in front of thousands of people, of attracting clients, money from billioner and healer.
You will become a Regressionist, Medium, and Karmic Healer and will receive many other cool bonuses!

How much is for the initiation?
When Reiki started to spread the cost of the Master Level initiation at the traditioanl Reiki was $10.000. Nowdays this pricing is rare but still exist. And it’s hard to say that the attunements don’t worth it because they do.
If someone offerd us a choice between $ and ability to use Reiki, perceive energies and directly communicate with the Higher Forces, not even include the healing ability of the energy, we both would choose the second option instantly. Because it’s like choosing between money and sense organs.
When you attuned to the flow you are always connected with Kundalini Reiki and your perceiving of energies, empathy, channeling ability will expand more with practice. We wish for Kundalini Reiki to be accessible for all and that’s why we established the following prices.
Face-to-face initiation
If you live in Moscow or suburbs and want to converse with us sipping a cup of hot, sweet-scented tea prior to the attunement and then receive initiation lying comfortably on massage table and feeling the warmth of our palms, then you should order a face-to-face initiation.
The package deal cost of 525€ if you pay for the complete course of Kundalini Reiki at once.
If you wish to pay for each initation progressively then the price is 200€, 200€ и 250€.
To order a face-to-face initiation please contsct us by e-mail info@kundalini-reiki.ru or call at: 8 (926) 074-01-84 / 8 (916) 628-50-95.
Remote initiation
Energy has no boundaries or distance so you can enjoy initiation lying down on your comfy couch at any place of the world. You won’t have to waste your money or time travelling and us on tea and cookies and our time on cleaning up the space.
That’s why the price is lower though there is no difference energy-wise between face-to-face and remote initiations.
Connecting to Source- Use of Divine energy directly and remotely for yourself and others
- Manual
- Our support
- Communication with Kuthumi
- Activation of the Inner Life Force
- Collaborative work of two energies
- Empowerment of the flow with self-attunements
- Target energies for DNA, past lives, cellular memory, birth trauma, connection to a location
- Orgasmic Reiki
- Initiation of others
- Master’s Certificate
- — 125€ OFF!
Kundalini Activation- Use of Divine energy directly and remotely for yourself and others
- Manual
- Our support
- Communication with Kuthumi
- Activation of the Inner Life Force
- Collaboration work of two energies
- Empowerment of the flow with self-attunements
- Terget energies for DNA, past lives, cellular memory, birth trauma, connection to a location
- Orgasmic Reiki
- Initiation of others
- Master’s Certificate
- 125€ OFF!
Master's capabilities- Use of Divine energy directly and remotely for yourself and others
- Manual
- Our support
- Communication with Kuthumi
- Activation of the Inner Life Force
- Collaboration work of two energies
- Empowerment of the flow with self-attunements
- +Terget energies for DNA, past lives, cellular memory, birth trauma, connection to a location
- Orgasmic Reiki
- Initiation of others
- Master’s Certificate
- 125€ OFF!
COURSE of Kundalini Reiki AT ONCE
Better Offer- Use of Divine energy directly and remotely for yourself and others
- Manual
- Our support
- Communication with Kuthumi
- Activation of the Inner Life Force
- Collaborative work of two energies
- Empowerment of the flow with sel-attunements
- Terget energies for DNS, past lives, cellular memory, birth trauma, connection to a location
- Orgasmic Reiki
- +Initiation of others
- Master’s Certificate
- 125€ OFF!

Is it too much or LESS?
Please see one of the testimonials received from one of our Masters.
5 years ago Roman literally saved me! After initiations of Kundalini Reiki and his work with me my whole life took off I even got myself a motorbike for 1 million rubles.
The old, the new and the true Kundalini Reiki
If you look through different Kundalini ReikiMasters’ sites you most likely will find the following options
1. The Old (9 or 12 levels)
Ole Gabrielsen received Kundalini Reiki in 1995. Originally it had only 3 levels. Then another 3 levels were intoduced to empower the preceding ones. After that there were several more addings by 3 levels till it became 12 levels.
Levels from 4 through 12 were self-initiated though some people started selling them as well.
When I (Roman) was receiving initiations in 2007 there were already 16 levels available but it wasn’t officially stated.
Unfortunarely, the majority of Reiki Masters do not communicate with Higher Forces, neither learn from the energy. They teach the system as it was given to them. So if you find a site where there are 9 or 12 levels for Kundalini Reiki that just means this Master received Kundalini Reiki somewhere around 2000 or from a Master who did it then.
Will you be interested in getting something that doesn’t respond so well to the current energy?

2. Kundalini Reiki of 2012-2021+
Kundalini Reiki energy continues to transform. Our planet Kundalini is changing as well as our personal energy and Kundalini Reiki flow subsequently as it facilitates our energy.
It’s not so much about the power of the energy flow as it is about the current version of it to be compatitable with the Earth energy. Just like antivirus on your computer should be up to date.
While in contact with Kuthumi we were able to self-initiate upgraded levels by packs reaching level of 350.
After a long break Ole Gabrielsen continued to update his system but in different way.
So in August of 2012 he intoduced Traditional Kundalini Reiki 2012, then another one dated 2013, and then 2014. Now there is a version of 2021 and most likely there will be more showing up.
In these versions:
- There are 3 levels (everything prior is included).
- There are no self-initiations. If you want more, come again.
- From a year of 2014 through 2017 he didn’t conduct initiations instead he was selling audio for initiations. So the role of the Master was completely disregarded in the process.
In our opinion this method can work with experienced practitioners but won’t do for a newbies receiving Reiki initiation for the first time in their life. Initiation is 99% done by Higher Forces and not by Masters and definetly not by audio. A Master’s role is to make sure that the client is receiving initiation. And he receives it from a person as he is only with energy as natural part of the Master’s daily life and that the Master is in this moment with him assisting the process even if it is done remotely.
Nevertheless, quoting one of the popular Reiki schools that copied our old texts and certificate graphics.
«From now on all attunemets will be done in audio format to receive initiations directly from Ole. In regards to Kundalini Reiki 2017 modality not only you don’t need initiations conducted in traditional manner from the Master to the trainee but moreover this type initiation should be regarded suspicious. Initiation done with audio is considered to be clearer and undistorted.
If initiation is conducted in traditional manner (without any special audios) that means initiation is for an older version or done incorrectly.»
According to this statement Higher Forces like to listen to music and Ole’s recorded voice and in case you don’t have that available then they bureaucraticly screw the whole process.
Or does it mean that the new initiations coming directly from Ole rather than from the Ascended Master Kuthumi? Of course, NOT!
3. True Kundalini Reiki
So what is getting lost from older and newer types of Masters of Kundalini Reiki?
1) Kuthumi is more significant than Ole
No matter who your Master may be the initiation is conducted by the Master Kuthumi.
We are grateful to Ole Gabrielsen for promoting Kundalini Reiki on Earth but still he is NOT the central point of this system, he doesn’t change the energy flow nor initiations neither does he assist you in sessions.
2) Every practitioner needs to have his own contact with the Higher Forces
The majority of masters don’t have this contact neither do they teach about it.
They senselessly «download» their programms by multiple senseless meditations that are not related to Kundalini Reiki whatsoever without providing the actual main point.
Without having contact with the Higher Forces it is impossible to become a better energy-conductor for yourself and for your close ones nor do what is necessary in every specific session instead of following what’s been given to the letter in hope that it all will work out somehow.
3) Self-initiations are still applicable
And that is wonderful.
а) When you reached the Master Level of Kundalini Reiki you can get any updated attunements at any time by yourself and free of charge including 2021 version and the following ones.
b) It’s quite questionable to get the maximum in just 3 levels.
If you are the one with the three new levels we do recommend for you to check if there is anything else for you left.
c) Self-initiations teach us to interact with the Higher Forces directly without depending on the Master.
Gradually you learn how to get initiations for any kind of Reiki and how to get personal initiation gifts.
This way, during a class in early 2011 Katerina received a new attunemet from Maria Magdalena for her energy flow to heal Inner Woman; and at the end of 2015 another interesting energy flow for the Masters. Now with the Grandmaster of All Energies Level discovering of new energy flows became a nice routine.
4) No audio will ever substitute a Master
As it was said earlier, Master’s role is to assist client in receiving the attunement during initiation.
At first, help with a conversation to get rid of prejudice, fears, and doubts because if you don’t trust the process you can’t open up to the flow neither recieve the attunement. That is why it is a relief when there is an appropriate person next to you who has these divine energies as part of daily life and who can answer all of your questions before as well as after the initiation.
Then energetically help the client. It’s not just about starting the process but rather assist in receiveing it by client!
That’s why it is vital to have a Master who sees and understands what is going on during the initiation even if it is done remotely. A Mater that is able to help to let go of blocks from your subtle bodies, the blocks that hampering your Kundalini and your life in general.
A Master who is able to confirm that you’ve received initiation and in case where you didn’t can complete the process in following couple of days (a very rare case).
The choice is absolutely yours what Kundalini Reiki modality to choose. We think that all stated above is vital and only by having it all you can call the modality of Kundalini Reiki a true one. That the reason why we are interested in providing only a True Kundalini Reiki system.

Are there any guarantees?
If you feel along with it but still hesitant whether Kundalini Reiki can help you. We can give you two guarantees:
1. We can guarantee harmony
This guarantee comes from Higher Forces. Energy can not harm you nor anybody else.
2. We guarantee money refund.

If after an attunemet or moreover after several ones you don’t perceive any difference, which would be a strange thing indeed, please contact us and we together will find what’s causing it and will advise you on how to heal it. If after our collaborative efforts nothing is changed, we will return you money.
Act on it!
If you read up to this point that means you really need an instrument that is interesting, enjoyable, and above all is very easy to use in life. The instrument that will reinforce and harmonize you and is always at hand. Kundalini Reiki combines it all and that makes it a unique modality that has no equivalent among human techniques or practicies.
Maybe it is time to get this instrument?
With much respect and love,
Roman Ainti and Katerina Golosova
P.S. Other testimonials on initiations and practice as the whole you can find here.
Who are we?

Over 800 initiations
are conducted by us all over the world including remote ones. We do know what we are doing.
The very first teachers of Grandmasters
We give the maximum level that others are scared to think of.
In contact wit the Higher Forces
We teach it. We work it. We live by it. Only this type of practice bears maximum fruit!
You still have questions left?
Please visit section FAQs and Answers or you can ask them directly at free test session of Kundalini Reiki or at Masters’ sessions exchange. Now compare this Kundalini Reiki modality with the traditional one, get energetical diagnostic or simply give yourself a relaxing break.